Fellowship of The King
July 27, 2005
Some really interesting programs over at Ken Copeland's daily program this week. Hosted by Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim, who always has a different perspective on things, they've been talking about, "Walking in the Light." Monday Billye started off with a really interesting story of a vision that Sister Grace (I've heard her mentioned before but don't know anything about her and a quick Google yielded no results.) had related about the last days and the glorious church. Sister Grace said that in this vision she saw the church rising up as a glorious church. On Tuesday Billye shared some more about Sister Grace's vision and portions of message Sister Grace had sent to some ministers about the circumstances in which she received the vision and Billye talked about the meaning of fellowship and that in order to walk in true fellowship we must understand that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Really, really interesting stuff.
Two things I got from the programs:
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