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August 2005

Fellowship of The King

Some really interesting programs over at Ken Copeland's daily program this week. Hosted by Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim, who always has a different perspective on things, they've been talking about, "Walking in the Light." Monday Billye started off with a really interesting story of a vision that Sister Grace (I've heard her mentioned before but don't know anything about her and a quick Google yielded no results.) had related about the last days and the glorious church. Sister Grace said that in this vision she saw the church rising up as a glorious church. On Tuesday Billye shared some more about Sister Grace's vision and portions of message Sister Grace had sent to some ministers about the circumstances in which she received the vision and Billye talked about the meaning of fellowship and that in order to walk in true fellowship we must understand that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Really, really interesting stuff.

Two things I got from the programs:

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

VIDEO; Blessing & Cursing And How We Do It #2

Englishtvicon_8The Bible teaches us about the power of our words to confer blessings or curses. What do the words bless and curse mean in the Bible? How are blessings and curses initiated?
Audio: Mp3
WMF: Broadband    56k
Quicktime: Broadband    56k

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

First, Put First Things First

Coffin_1Suppose you woke up tomorrow and received two phone calls. The first phone call tells you that you have inherited $20 million, no strings attached. The second tells you that you have an incurable and terminal disease, and you have no more than 10 years to live. What would you do differently, and, in particular, what would you stop doing?

So says Jim Collins, (Author of one of my favorite chapters, located in this book.) in this article. Here's another way of putting this:

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If we've blessed you then bless us back.
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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

God Wants You To Be Care Free

CarefreekidWorrying is a sin.
Most Christians don’t realize that worrying is a sin. In fact a lot of us think that if we’re not worrying we’re doing something bad, we’re being irresponsible. But worrying is a sin, it’s the sin of unbelief, it’s the sin of not trusting God’s word, it’s the sin of calling God a liar.

A few months ago I promised Stevie that  the next day he and I would go get a haircut. The next morning I told him that I would pick him up from daycare in a couple hours so we could go get our hair cut. He wasn't too happy about that but the barber who cuts our hair doesn’t get in till about 10:00. I showed up at daycare to pick him up around 10:30 a.m. I went to his class to get him and he gave all his buddies a little hug and told them goodbye but when he came out he said…

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If we've blessed you then bless us back.
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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Tips For Being Creative

Thinkinggirl_2(I'm little hesitant to post this because the guy I'm linking is an artist living and working in New York and his language is sometimes vulgar and crude. I've decided to link his post anyway since the ideas he presents are so good. If you decided to read the article be warned and have as much sense as an old cow, eat the hay and leave the sticks.)

Hugh, at Gaping Void, an artist, who works in advertising, has posted a list of 30, very interesting tips, on how to be more creative. He has several versions, a short one, a long one, a book form in PDF you can download. I'm linking to the long one because the explanations were quite good, here's a sample to whet your appetite:

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If we've blessed you then bless us back.
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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Video:Why Didn't God Answer My Prayers?

Englishtvicon_7Most people have the idea that receiving answers to prayer is completely dependent upon God. But the Bible teaches that prayer is a sure thing if we meet the conditions. What are some of those conditions?
Audio: MP3
WMF: Broadband    56k
Quicktime: Broadband 56k

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Blessing & Cursing and How We Do It

Englishtvicon_4At the end of a lot of church services the minister pronounces a benediction or blessing, e.g. "May God bless and keep you." but most of them don't believe these words actually do anything. The Bible talks about the power our words to confer actual blessing or curseing. In Five fantastic flavors.
Just the Audio: MP3
WMF: Broadband    56k Modem
Quicktime: Broadband    56k Modem

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244


Sorry for the dearth of posts. I do actually have several items I wanted to post about including one of the best movies of all time: Batman Begins, but I've been busy working on our podcast. In fact Here's a link to it (I hope.):

What is a podcast? Basically a way of using your computer as a TIVO for Internet content, are able to subscribe to Internet broadcasts, and download them to your computer for later viewing or listening. (The term "podcast" comes from Apples I-Pod player which allows you to download mp3 files to your IPod and listen to them on the go, away from your computer. This has mostly been used for music but can be used for audio content of any kind.)

Our podcast allows people, using the appropriate software to subscribe to our :30 Minutes Toward Victory broadcast, (And soon the Spanish :30 Minutos broadcast.) and the software will automatically check for updates to the program and download them to the subscribers computer for later viewing or listening. Here's a couple of links to some software for subscribing to podcasts some of them are free some are low priced shareware. There are also online services like Yahoo which you can use to subscribe to podcasts. Here's some links for Windows users: FeedDemon (Which is free to try out but is shareware.) FeedReader is free and works on Windows 95 on up. For Mac users NetNewsWire works pretty good as just a reader and the LITE version is free though you have to scroll down on the page to find it.

But that's not the cool part. The cool part is that Apples I-Tunes Music Store is now set up to allow users to subscribe for free to podcasts and Apple is also allowing people to submit their podcasts for inclusion in the I-Tunes Music store. This is very big. (You can download the free I-Tunes Music Store software for Mac and Windows for free here.) But that's still not the cool part. The cool part is that we submitted our podcast of :30 Minutes Toward Victory and we were included and here's what the top of the Itunes Music Store index of Christian podcasts looks like:
Podcastscreencapture2Yes, that's our program, :30 Minutes Toward Victory, first on the list.

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
Click here to donate through Paypal.
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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244