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Englishtvicon_5The Bible teaches that our words effect our lives. What we have in life is the result of the words we have spoken. Our words can move mountains. Our words can help us to receive or keep us from receiving God's promises. Now in five fantastic flavors.
WMF: Broadband    56kModem
Quicktime: Broadband    56kModem
Just The Audio: MP3
(If you're using a 56k Modem you'll get the best results with Quicktime. For windows users a free copy is available here.)

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
Click here to donate through Paypal.
Or send your gift by mail to

Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

VÍDEO: Una Cristianidad Que Hace Algo #2

30minuntosscreengrab_5La mayoría de Cristianos viven una vida que no es muy diferente de la vida que viven la mayoría de Musulmanes, o Budistas, o Hindúes. Pero la Biblia habla de una Cristianidad que se demuestra en el mundo, una Cristianidad que hace algo.
WMF: Broadband    Modem 56k
QuickTime: Broadband    Modem 56k
Solo El Sonido:MP3
( Si Tienes Modem 56k la versión Quicktime trabaja mejor. Puedes download una copia  gratis de Quicktime aquí.)

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
Click here to donate through Paypal.
Or send your gift by mail to

Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Vídeo: Una Cristianidad Que Hace Algo

30minuntosscreengrab_3Para la mayoría de Cristianos lo único que hace la cristianidad es asegurar que uno va llegar al cielo cuando se muere. Pero la Biblia habla de una cristianidad que hace algo. Cristo dijo el que cree en mi las obras que yo hago el las hara. Ya En Cinco Versiones Fabulosas:( Si Tienes Modem 56k la versión Quicktime trabaja mejor. Puedes download una copia  gratis de Quicktime aquí.)
WMF: Broadband    Modem 56k
QuickTime: Broadband    Modem 56k
Solo El Sonido:MP3

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
Click here to donate through Paypal.
Or send your gift by mail to

Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Video: A Christianity That Does Something #2

Englishtvicon_3Christianity isn't supposed to be just reasoned arguments, it's supposed to do something. Jesus taught his disciples how to do things. In fact he told them that those who believed on him would do the same works that he did and in fact they would do even greater works. He then taught his disciples how to do these works. One way we do these works is by learning to have the faith of God.
Four fantastic flavors. (Windows Users: If you have a 56k connection Quicktime works best. If you don't have Quicktime you can get a free version here. Mac users: you can get the latest version of Quicktime here.)
WMF:    Broadband    56kModem
Quicktime: Broadband     56kModem

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
Click here to donate through Paypal.
Or send your gift by mail to

Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

What's The Purpose of Church Dept.?

Saw a rerun of the Malcom In The Middle episode, "Day Care" It's about coping with the family's new baby. They join a church in order to benefit from the church's free daycare and are forced to participate in and to pretend to be interested in the church's religious activities. I thought this was a great example of the dilemma that Churches face in trying to attract new people. If we attract people by offering things people want, like daycare, are we producing real results or just paying people to come to church. If we're paying people to come to church how can we expect them to grow. Growth is painful. Growth requires that you pay something. Growth is the difference between living with your parents and having to be out on your own. If we're paying people to come to church what will happen to those people when they are asked to pay something. If people come to church just to get what we have are wee just producing rice Christians and producing no lasting results for the Kingdom of God?

If we've blessed you then bless us back.
Click here to donate through Paypal.
Or send your gift by mail to

Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244