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Video: A Christianity That Does Something

Englishtvicon_2Most Christians kind of have the idea that God is just, sort of, the heavenly ticket agent. He just hands out tickets to heaven and that's about all He does in your life. After you get your ticket you're pretty much on your own. Some Christians think about God like the all controlling one. He causes cancers in children and tsunamis that kill hundred's of thousands all for some mysterious ultimate good of course. But the Bible teaches that we Christians are supposed to do something on this earth. We're supposed to be doing the works of Jesus. Our Christianity is supposed to do something. God's expecting us to still the storms and heal the sick just like Jesus did. Here's the video in four improved flavors.
WMF: Broadband    56k Modem
Quicktime: Broadband    56k Modem

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

This Just In: ABC Says Jesus Rose From The Dead

Whew! I don't know about you but that makes me feel better. Christianity Today's blogmiester, Ted Olsen, has an interesting post about ABC's 20/20 show which this past Thursday aired a program about the resurrection of Jesus. I flipped by the show,Thursday night, but didn't stop to watch because I assumed it would be a typical mainstream media attack on Christians who actually believe the doctrines of Christianity, but surprise, surprise:

Continue reading "This Just In: ABC Says Jesus Rose From The Dead" »

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Video: Tengan La Fe De Dios

30minuntosscreengrab_2Cristo nos dijo en Marcos 11:22-23 que si podemos tener la fe de Dios podemos mover hasta montañas con nuestras palabras. ¿Que es la fe de Dios? ¿Como llegamos a tener la fe de Dios? En cuatro sabores deliciosos.
WMF: Broadband    56kModem
Quicktime: Broadband  56kModem

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

T.V. What Is The God Kind of Faith, 2

Englishtvicon_1Jesus said, "Have the God kind of faith," and you will be able to command even mountains to move. What is the God kind of faith? Here we see that the God kind of faith calls those things which be not as though they were. In four fantastic flavors:
WMF: Broadband    56kModem
Quicktime: Broadband     56kModem

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

T.V.:La Ley Espiritual De Palabras

30minuntosscreengrab_1Programa #2: Dios No Nos a Dejado Sin Defensa
Cristo nos enseño un ley espiritual: lo que crees in tu corazón y dices con tu voz sucederá. Esta ley es tan importante que Cristo la repite varias veces y en diferentes maneras en la Biblia.
Cuatro versiones:
    WMF:            Broadband    y    56k Modem
    Quicktime:   Broadband   y    56k Modem

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

T.V.:Your Words Can Do Things

EnglishtviconThe God Kind of Faith #2
Jesus said The God kind of faith can move mountains. What is the God kind of faith? The faith that sends its words to do things and believes that what it sends them to do will be accomplished.
Four versions:
WMF:             Broadband    or   56k Modem
Quicktime:     Broadband   or   56k Modem

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

Join The Faith Hall of Fame

SupermomHere's Supermom's, Mother's Day Message. I'm calling it, How To Join The Faith Hall of Fame. Becky discusses the difference between, infomercial faith and Hall of Fame faith and the two things you need to do to acquire the latter. This is an audio file in MP3 format.

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

video: Dios No Nos A Dejado Sin Denfensa

30minuntosscreengrab:30 Minutos Al Buen Exito Las tormentas de la vida llegan a todos. Ataques económicos, ataques en tu cuerpo, ataques en tu familia son comunes, pero la Biblia nos enseña que podemos triunfar sobre las problemas de la vida. Dios no nos a dejado aquí sin defensa. Dios nos a dejado un arma que podemos usar para triunfar en la vida. WMF Versión Broadband  Versión 56k , QT Version Broadband Version 56K  

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

How Do I Know If I Have Faith?

QuestionmarkHow can you know if you have faith, if you're believing? I mean faith in the specific sense of:

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

or similar scriptures. Jesus says what we say will come to pass if we believe and don't doubt. How do we know if we're believing? How do we know if we believe, "…that those things which he saith shall come to pass…" ? If we can believe then we should receive what Jesus has promised, so it would be helful to know when we qualify. How can we know if we're believing.

Continue reading "How Do I Know If I Have Faith?" »

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244

video: The God Kind of Faith

30minutesstreetsigh:30 Minutes Toward Victory. Jesus said in Mark 11:22-23 that if we have the God kind of faith our words can move the mountains in our lives. Here's program number three of the series, God Has Not Left Us Defenseless, now available in 4 distinct flavors: Windows Broadband, Windows 56k Modem, Quicktime Broadband, Quicktime 56k modem.

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Imperial Valley Christian Center, P.O. Box 3336, El Centro, CA 92244